When this article was written in 2005, the idea of harnessing the lethal power of jazz was a new and terrifying concept. Since then it has emerged that many Western nations have experimented with jazz weaponry, with frightening results. It has recently been revealed that the French government exposed its service personnel to harmful jazz rays during jazz tests carried out in the South Pacific during the fifties. Alain Deneuve is the lawyer who has been fighting for compensation for the victims, but he admits that it hasn't been easy.
"It can be difficult to persuade those affected that legal action is in their best interests," he admits. "When you explain the situation to them, they tend to just shrug, mutter c'est la vie and wander off to buy a baguette. This laissez-faire attitude is fairly typical of people affected by jazz, and you might think that it strengthens our case. Unfortunately, it's also fairly typical of being French."
Jazz Bomb